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Cambridge 68 Super Weyl invariance BPS equations from heterotic worldsheets
Andy Netizke 3.1, BPS states and spectral networks (IAS | PCMI)
Hiroaki Nakajima, BPS Equations in Omega-deformed N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory
FTAG-XI: Day 1, Seminar 3: Weyl Invariant Gravity and Massive Photon - Kumar Abhinav
Andy Netizke 2.1, BPS states and spectral networks (IAS | PCMI)
Mathew Bullimore - Monopoles, Vortices, and Vermas
Solitons and the BPS Bound, Part 2 of 2
Diagram 475 WOW! Weyl Fermions Minkowski Cosmic Strings Vacuum
Joao Luis Andrade - UFMA (Vídeo #1)